What are happening today? Our friends in palestine and syria are in war. Ya Allah please help our friends in there. Give them a strong 'iman' to faces the enemy. What can i do in helping them? i am not able to going there and hold a gun to kill enemy. But what can i do is read Qunut Nazilah for my friends there. Free Palestine & Free Syria. Allah SWT will give a win to Islam. Just wait and see.
We should thankful to Allah SWT because we still are in peacefull. Lets see our friends in there. The children are holding a gun. But our children here are holding a laptop, PSP and many more gadget. In there, its difficult to find a food, sometimes they are not eating, but how about we in here? We eat healthy food, and sometimes we are waste a food. Many more of situation happend there. But what happend here? We are peaceful and still having fun in entertainment. To the people who are ISLAM, please give your support to our friends in there. Please wake up. ISLAM is weak because of we. If you cant going and help them in war. Just pray and read qunut nazilah. Insyaallah, Allah SWT will hear your pray.
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